Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ceiling Fans

photo at Shogun during dad's 50th.
celup from one of sister's folder.

Hello from Singapore.

because of the last minute-ness of us coming down to Singapore because we needed some clarity from some documents mumbo jumbo,
we couldnt get a hotel anywhere!

adding the fact that the some Olympic athletes are here in Singapore for training as well as "climatizing" their bodies to the Asian weather.

So, my parents are over at a good friend's place of theirs and me,
Im staying illegally at my sister's hostel :P

Her term hasnt started so they cant tell if im a student or not and thankfully she has her own dorm.
Her whole hostel is really cool with the country side look having their own common room, common kitchen and common toilet.
The whole building is co-ed so boys and girls are allowed in each other's room just that you cant close the doors or sleepover.

Plus free internet excess for me! :D

Currently indulging on Grey's Anatomy Season 4.
because i only manage to download till episode 10 when there's actually till episdode 17 !
(sis has the whole dvd set)

you know,
i think most Singaporeans aint fat.
For obvious reason that EVERYONE takes public transport and walks and walks and walks and walks. ( and of course their food sucks!)
& everyone is always going somewhere and walking as fast as they can.

more Grey's Anatomy !

Its so weird onlining this late with people still walking/talking/laughing around.

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