Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bridge over clear water

Im feeling defeated by a pile of books,
So this will be short.

I miss watching Disney originals.
I havent watch movies like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty for a long time.
Or that cute little mini series or cartoons that has three jokers singing,
‘Mary Mary quite contrary,
Where does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells,
And pretty maid all in a row’


Yay Disney has Pocahontas this Valentines !
Hope I dont miss it.

Come to think of it,
its such a sad romantic.
The first one I mean.
I dont like the second movie.
I dont like most sequels either.
It just loses the originality of the movie in the first place.
Unless its shows like Lord Of The Rings or X-men :D

But Cinderella two, Mulan two, Pocahontas two, Peter Pan two, Aladdin two.
its just sooo not nice.

Anyway, why did Pocahontas have to be with that John Rolfe.


I loveeeeeeeedd John Smith.
They had awesome chemistry !
I dont like Pocahontas 2.

Okay so maybe they shouldt put Pocahontas as a Valentine movie anymore :P

Maybe Lady and the Tramp?
i loveeee Lady and the Tramp

and The Aristole Cats !

I love Disney’s originals.
The classic ones.

These days all the Disney original are so Madagascar or Over the hedge-ish.
I miss the classics.


Jay's Brick Blog said...

U forgot Hercules. Thats solid gold stuff there.

jasmine said...

oh hercules !
drools over megan :p :P