Thursday, November 06, 2008

get this

I was hoping for at least a way out, out and away from this.
But no who am I to kid really this is everywhere.
And it comes in a package.

We all just started bursting out in words in speech in actions,
Im afraid if we go on we would start needing tissues and tissues.

Makes you wonder if who is who and what is what.

We need a way out, to change to revamp, to shake it all out.

I wonder tho, do you know how people are taking it?
If you do, does it bother you?
mmm. :\

For more than once I just needed a way out, to be alone, to be with everyone, to be with what is left.
This, this just has to be everywhere.

Funny thing tho,
You actually get it;

Its all too predictable.

I bet you have an E armor on, you cant get any of it

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