Gambar gambar cantik dari poloroid camera Lynette.
so happy when she let us take picture with it know . :D :D
sorry for the blurry pictures;
i took these pictures from my camera before realising that my new printer is also a scanner.
Tania convinced me into replacing her position in tug of war.
I was extremely reluctant but since I was a useless pig this year,
I decided to sumbang a little to my sports house.
Dah lah secretary but sumbang so little.
But today I manage to offer my services again by telling them I’d help in the perbarisan stuff on that day.
In the end I was asked to deco the sepanduk.
I haven’t been doing art in a while,
So do not throw tomatoes at me on that day please.
About tarik tali…
We got into the finals.
And we’re against Red house.
The top two houses this year.
I kinda regretted not joining the 1500m run.
I was at my grandma’s place when teacher called me to come to the stadium at that very moment.
Oh well Jasmine,
OH well..
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