Sunday, October 26, 2008

keeping it

Next week- 7th Nov is going to be the sorta official last day of school.
No I didn’t get my days wrong, I assumed its Sunday so can consider next week lah.

The question is,
Are we satisfied with what we’ve accomplish in school (??)

Cause honestly there’s so many empty spaces I wanted to fill but realise I don’t have the chance anymore.

Its so sad!

Of course there are spots you have to give up and you cant have everything but the thought of what could have been is just really really sad.

I’ve always felt like I haven’t done enough.

On a much lighter note,
After much decision making and thought.

I am heading down to Sabah for the BRATs end year trip this December 5th.
It’s a whole 5days –OMG
Where my 3hour flight starts at 7.15am in the morning.
Gosh imagine what time I have to wake up +_+
I googled the place im heading and its pretty urm, rural-ish and im hoping I get to play with Orang Utans (!!!!!!!!!!!)
My mom told me I never been to Sabah before when all this while I thought I have.

I was this near to not going because of money issue, ( it costs a bomb ok!) but after much encouragement my parents said its something worth that amount of money and experience.

And knowing me I have made a lot of half hanging decisions in my life which I will not repeat!
- Not retaking my grade 8 piano O_O (although this one cannot escape cause I really couldn’t)
- Stopping Taekwondo at brown belt, this one was just plain stupid. I was so dedicated to going Taekwondo every week in my club last time but wasted every effort by stopping before I got the black belt -_-

See got all the opportunity but never take.

You know I get irritated by indecisive people but actually I am one too. T_T

Global warming has a plan to kill us of heat suffocation.
You heard it from me and 6 billion others.

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